
MUTEK Forum Workshop: “Cripping Music Culture Through Access Riders” (Montréal, 2022)
to Aug 26

MUTEK Forum Workshop: “Cripping Music Culture Through Access Riders” (Montréal, 2022)

On the second day of MUTEK Forum 2022, DJ and co-founder of Crip Rave, Stefana Fratila, will be hosting a workshop for both artists and promoters who are interested in learning more about access culture and its intersections with music.

Presented as part of the Codes of Contact initiative, a collaboration between the Toronto Reel Asian International Film Festival, OCAD U and Digital Justice Lab, supported by the Canada Council for the Arts | Conseil des arts du Canada's Digital Strategy Fund.

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Le deuxième jour du MUTEK Forum 2022, Stefana Fratila, DJ et cofondatrice de Crip Rave, animera un atelier destiné aux artistes et aux promoteurs désirant en apprendre d'avantage sur l'accès à la culture et ses liens avec la musique.

Présenté dans le cadre de l’initiative Codes of Contact, une collaboration entre le Toronto Reel Asian International Film Festival, OCAD U et Digital Justice Lab, soutenue par le Fonds Stratégie numérique du Canada Council for the Arts | Conseil des arts du Canada.

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#MUTEK23 #MUTEKForum #music #technology #digital #criprave #stefanafratila #workshop

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“Sculpting with Sound” with Kristel Jax (Virtual, 2021)

“Sculpting with Sound” with Kristel Jax (Virtual, 2021)

Crip Rave™ Collective Presents…

“Sculpting with Sound” is an introductory sound production workshop facilitated by Kristel Jax.

Do you want to explore sound from a Crip perspective?

Join us on September 4th 2021 from 2PM - 4PM EST and play with the multi-sensory nature of sound as we co-create an understanding with us about what it means to Crip Sound.

The workshop will de-emphasize software but will also offer an introduction to some of the basic building blocks of sound, such as waveforms, vibrations, decibels, sheet music, and spectrographs.

Participants are invited to submit a short recording (1 - 15 seconds long) of their favourite sound or sound-making event or texture to be explored and collaged with during the workshop. We will engage with the sounds that folks submit, demonstrating the different ways that sound can be accessed and played with— highlighting that sound is not only auditory, but is a tactile, visual, colourful, and emotional sculpting material. Please visit the Eventbrite for details on how to prepare your submission and email it to by August 23rd to have it included in the collage.

You do not need to submit a recording to participate in the workshop. All aspects are optional.

Please register on Eventbrite to attend this free online event:

This workshop will be capped at 20 participants. Register early!

Check out the Eventbrite link and Facebook event for more information:

Please email Renee or Stefana with any other access needs, feedback, or questions at:

Crip Rave™ is a Toronto-based collective and event platform showcasing and prioritizing Crip, Disabled, Deaf, Mad, Sick body-minds within safer and more accessible rave spaces.

The event is made possible with support of the Toronto Arts Council.

Accessibility Information

This event will take place on Zoom. Participants can also join by phone/dial-in.

ASL- English interpretation and automated closed captioning provided.

Sound descriptions will appear as captions when music is playing.

This event will not be video recorded, but screenshots will be taken for documentation purposes. You are welcome to keep your camera off.

An ‘access and participation guide’ will be emailed to registrants the day before the workshop.

Names of Interpreters *

Carmelle Cachero and Amanda Hyde


Thanks so much to Deaf Spectrum for this ASL Vlog!!

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